Demanding LGBTs’ right is not asking for extra rights along with the rights human currently have but these rights are being specially demanded as it is required to prevent discriminations and violence on LGBTs, U AungMyo Min, director of Equality Myanmar said.
He had explained about demanding LGBTs’ right at “LGBT – To be Prohibited or Protected? A Legal Perspective on LGBT Rights in Myanmar”, a seminar held at Wilson Hotel, Mandalay on 26th August.
“LGBTs are not demanding more rights than people are having now but they are demanding the specified 30 paragraphs of human right to have equally just like other people. There is no plan to ask for more rights for being LGBTs. No need to ask for too. The reason we are demanding is to have equal right for education and for working to repel domestic violence, discriminations at schools and works, lack of appreciation from society despite of being qualified and depreciations from society”, said U AungMyo Min.
Among these rights, special protection for LGBT had been claimed and he said it is claimed to stop unjust act such as beating while LGBTs are wandering, which raises LGBTs’ insecurity.
“Our current problem is The Police Act 35 which grants arresting incognitos who cannot give sound reason on their disguise. Men who dress like women and go out for whatever reason at around 9 PM get arrested by police. Police make them to admit that they made mistake as they want to end the case. There, they suffer unfairly. Gays are also human. The Police Act 35 cannot be annulled. I also don’t like that act to be annulled. Police are needed to see gays differently now. Just like we are demanding for protection, also gays have to control themselves. I don’t want them to go out late at night. And I don’t want the police treating inappropriately”, said U Htein Win, prosecutor of Center of Rule of Law (Mandalay).
Besides, U Aung Myo Min pointed out that the existing laws still have many laws enacted at the time of British government. And he said that if we have a look at these laws, they are meant to detent people and to make prevention, therefore, these laws have several meanings that can be assumed as needed. He discussed that the old laws which are not consistent with present situation should be reviewed.
“The term ‘unnatural sex’ included in Section 377 does not mean only having same-sex between men. It also means having same-sex between women too. Even having sex between woman and man in abnormal ways might get under that term. These meanings should be redefined clearly and should be substituted with the term ‘human right’. Take action legally if there is any crime. But meanings of the laws should be clearly defined to prevent illegal arresting by requirement, hate, thought or having nothing to do and to make the laws free from bias”, said U Aung Myo again.
Assistant director U Hla Myat Tun form Colors Rainbow had also discussed that Myanmar citizens have more awareness than people of any other countries to change their perspectives according to his experience in educating people and people cooperate after they know about human right and laws thoroughly.
In this seminar, the discussion included questions such as why do LGBTs have right to obtain human right, how can responsibility and accountability of LGBTs included in demanding LGBTs’ rights and how should the difficulties be got through when educating LGBTs in Myanmar.