Legal Issues and Access to Justice – Book No. 2
This book, written by Sayar U Htein Win, former State/Division Judge and legal advisor to the Rule of Law Center in Mandalay and to Colors Rainbow, covers Myanmar Penal Code sections and laws that need to be amended to ensure access to justice for everyone. It presents different legal issues and precedents that can serve as foundation for judicial reform aiming at judicial independence and resulting in public trust. It addresses the judges’ ability to adjudicate independently under the Supreme Court and High Court formed under 1974 Constitution. In a compilation of legal articles, this book addresses specifically the questions of the access to justice in connection with matters such as contempt of court, the role of the Union Supreme Court in the interpretation of the law, the Ministry of Justice, and the jury system analyzing contempt of court law, Union judiciary law, writ law and respective rules. Its objective is to point out the weakness of the current laws and to propose options for legal reform to improve the rule of law in Myanmar.
Legal Issues and Access to Justice – Book No. 1
This book, written by Sayar U Htein Win, former State/Division Judge and legal advisor to the Rule of Law Center in Mandalay and to Colors Rainbow, covers Myanmar Penal Code sections and laws that need to be amended to ensure access to justice for everyone. It presents different legal issues and precedents that can serve as foundation for judicial reform aiming at judicial independence and resulting in public trust. It addresses the judges’ ability to adjudicate independently under the Supreme Court and High Court formed under 1974 Constitution. The book examines the Registration of Instrument Law (2015), Myanmar Buddhist Women Special Marriage Law (1954), Constitutional Tribunal Law (2010), Union Judiciary Law (2010), Maintenance of Police Disciplinary Law (1995), Penal Code Section 377 and its implications on LGBTQ+ individuals from the perspective of access to justice. Its objective is to point out the weakness of the current laws and to propose options for legal reform to improve the rule of law in Myanmar.
Family Acceptance Pamphlet
October 2019
Family acceptance plays a fundamental role in LGBT’s lives. Due to the traditional beliefs, conservative culture and lack of knowledge about sexuality, LGBT children in Myanmar often face negative comments, pressure and rejection from their parents and relatives. This leaflet focuses on the importance of creating a safe environment for LGBT youth at home. It also provides information regarding how parents could support their LGBT children mentally and physically to prevent heartbreaking consequences.
Story Competition 2019
This third edition of the LGBT Literature Competition 2019 is a compilation of essays published at the end of 2019. This book, entitled “Lives under the Rainbow” is meant to inspire LGBTQ+ and non LGBTQ+ people readers and increase the visibility of LGBTQ+ people in Myanmar. LGBT and non-LGBT writers from various backgrounds submitted a story and competed to make this book a great and inspiring compilation.
Yogyakarta Principles
2018 (Second Edition)
This booklet explains what the Yogyakarta principles are and how they can be used in Myanmar, since they compose the international human rights standard for the rights of people with different sexual orientation and gender identity/ gender expression. It features the 29 articles of the Yogyakarta Human Rights Standards. Each article contains responsibilities of the government to take progressive actions.
Justice for You
This book is a compilation of legal articles that were published in Colors Rainbow magazines in 2017 and 2018. This book addresses all the Penal Code sections in a Q&A form to inform the readers about legal matters in a friendly and easy-to-understand manner. This book also supports the work of legal aid service providers in providing legal assistance and knowledge dissemination. Finally it aims at explaining to the public, including to LGBTQ+ persons how to understand Myanmar Penal Code.
Interview Book of Walks of life
Photographs from Colors Rainbow’s photo exhibition entitled Walks of Life have been collected to compose this touching photobook full of memories and life stories of LGBTQ+ individuals in Myanmar. The exhibition has been presented in 16 cities throuhout Myanmar over three years and life stories have been continuously collected on the way to compose and enrich it. Memories gathered are happy, sad, funny or simple but always emotional. They contribute to promote non-discrimination against LGBT peoplein particular. It was also designed to alleviate family problems and sensititize communities on the suffering of LGBTQ+ persons. The last exhibition, for which this book was produced, has been held at the Secretariat Buildng in Yangon and met a great success.
Discrimination and Human Rights Abuses Against LGBT People in Myanmar
The LGBT community in Myanmar face discrimination and mistreatment in many different forms. Traditional beliefs, conservative culture, little to no legal protection and lack of knowledge about sexual orientation or gender identity/expression (SOGIE) result in verbal, physical and sexual abuse against LGBT people in families, schools, workplaces, media and public spaces. Colors Rainbow strives to promote/protect LGBT rights by providing access to justice, SOGIE training, and legal reforms.
Lgbt Story Competition 2018 Book
This book is a compilation of stories about love, knowledge, and resilience that will help not only LGBT people but also the community to better understand and accept SOGIE. The best essays were selected by a jury composed of well-known writers Mi Chan Wai, Song Lu Lin and Yin Yin Nu from Mandalay. This second edition of LGBTQ+ stories has been distributed throughout Myanmar and has met a growing success.
SOGIE Comic Book
Colors Rainbow produces awareness raising materials on LGBT and SOGIE, which are distributed in government schools, trainings and public events. This SOGIE Comic Book is one of the materials which focuses on raising understanding about discrimination faced by students who identify as LGBT in schools. The main characters are Maung Maung, Aung Thant, Sophia, Ye Myat Thu and Sayar Lay Maw Oo. The comic book portrays the importance of teachers’ roles in creating a safe space for LGBT students in schools.
LGBT General Knowledge Book
Due to the insufficient school curriculum in Myanmar, Colors Rainbow decided to publish a LGBT General Knowledge Book in 2018. The purpose of the publication is to provide basic education regarding Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression (SOGIE) to both LGBT and non-LGBT communities in Myanmar. This booklet is mostly distributed at SOGIE training in which Colors Rainbow implements every three months in different towns all over the country. The contents include LGBT terms, common questions about LGBT, a brief history of IDAHOT, TDoR and LGBT symbols.
Strategies and Guidelines to promote the rights of LGBTs in Myanmar
Myanmar is a country known for its serious human rights violations where its people have very limited access to protection of law and suitable legal channels as a recourse for their grievances. The law, especially Section 377 of the Penal Code, creates a discriminatory legal environment that leaves members of the LGBT community mainly unprotected. The main purpose of this legal guideline is to promote human rights and rule of law not only for the LGBTs, but for the women and children as well, and to serve as a handbook in training courses and legal awareness raising programs, paralegal services, and psycho-social support.
LGBT Story Competition 2017 Book
For the first time, Colors Rainbow organized an LGBT short story competition with the aim of publishing outstanding LGBTQ+ stories in Burmese and increasing the visibility of LGBTQ+ individuals in the Myanmar society. The winning stories were published in a book that provides emerging and established writers a space for the expression of LGBTQ+ values, experiences, history, hopes and feelings.