About Us
Colors Rainbow began as an LGBT program of Equality Myanmar (formerly the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma) in 2007, and has since grown into Myanmar’s leading LGBT rights organization. Colors Rainbow transitioned from Thailand to Myanmar in 2013 where we have expanded our work on enhancing public understanding and acceptance of the dignity and human rights of LGBT people. We work to end discrimination against LGBT people in Myanmar through awareness raising, education, legal reform and legal protection.
We do this through multifaceted programming that consists of trainings, discussions, networking meetings, community events, lobbying, advocacy and research projects, and the production of multimedia resources. Colors Rainbow produces a Myanmar-language community website and magazine covering LGBT issues in Myanmar and around the world.
Colors Rainbow now has 26 staff and offices in Yangon and Dawei, Tanintharyi Region.
Myanmar LGBT Rights Network
In 2012, CRB co-founded the Myanmar LGBT Rights Network, which is currently comprised of 25 member organizations from 10 different states and regions. The network members carry out joint avocacy for the protection of LGBT people, especially through legal reform, and equal and non-discriminatory treatment in the media and by police and in the judicial system. We continue to serve as the secretariat for the Myanmar LGBT Rights Network, providing technical assistance and working closely with the advisory board, central board and working committees for network development.
Our Strategy
Our strategic plan involves three streams:
Becoming A Leader
Colors Rainbow strives to be the leading organization promoting LGBT rights in Myanmar. This means we need to have robust internal operating mechanisms and strong and empowered staff.
Equality and Respect
Colors Rainbow promotes public understanding of SOGIE and the LGBT community, and advocates for the equality of LGBT individuals in Myanmar. We do this by developing evidence-based reports and materials to educate and inform stakeholders on LGBT rights and issues. We advocate for fairness and non-discrimination in workplaces, education and the legal system, and aim to change discriminatory laws. Through media and public events, we foster a positive attitude and respect for all LGBT people.
Empowering the LGBT Community
Colors Rainbow is building a movement of strong LGBT individuals and organizations to work together to promote the rights and sexual and reproductive health of LGBT people. We train, coordinate and collaborate with our fellow LGBT groups, and connect with regional and international supporters and allies.