Six designers will create fashion designs using six kinds of colors included in Rainbow Flag which represents LGBT community and compete at a famous TV program, Style Secret.

“This time, we are going to use, mostly, colors of flag representing LGBT. In creating these things, grabbing the feelings of people, we can see if these designs created by designers will fit them. They are now very happy for creating this program. We came to know so many things, about how severe they had suffered, which we didn’t know before only after recording about LGBT for this program,” said Ko Zin Aung from Style Secret program of MRTV-4.

Introduction of this TV program was made at Yangon Restaurant in People’s Square on 26th September and make-up artists, artists and responsible persons of MY PALACE as well as those who had not been invited came to this event.

“Designers competed in this program and eventually, there were only six qualifiers. That number matches with the six colors of Rainbow flag, so I discussed with Ko Zin Aung to create an LGBT program this time. We gave guidelines and knowledge about LGBT and explained about our sexual orientation and concept to designers to be helpful in creating their designs,” said Ko JD who is a judge for MRTV-4, Style Secret and also the owner of MY PLACE Café& Restaurant.

Ko JD added that he aimed to create a Rainbow culture in Myanmar through the events like this and he also wants designers to create clothing based on colors of LGBT’s flag since cloths and accessories related to LGBT as well as LGBT culture is very rare in Myanmar.

“I used white color in creating LGBT design. Because I want to express that a person is always a human being no matter that person is a LGBT or a normal person. I have to sew cloths for Gay among other LGBT’s clothes. So I used the colors of Gay’s flag. Being a designer, I think of clothes for them to wear casually and fashionably when going outside, using the colors of their flag,” said a contestant designer Khine Khin Shwe Win.

The feelings of LGBT on their lives were firstly recorded to make designers know about nature of the six colors represented LGBT and designers create with the feeling on these.
