Colors Rainbow delivered a human right and SOGIE training to open mind for journalists at Dawei Township during September.
This training is the first training delivered to journalists and was held at Diamond Crown Hotel from 14th September to 16th September.
“We organized a discussion with journalists previous month so LGBT isn’t any new to them. Attendees came to understand the way LGBT are connected with News Media and legal factors they can utilize at the present time. As the result of understanding the rights in their job processes, News Media become presenting more news about LGBT,” said Daw Aye Mon from Colors Rainbow based in Dawei.
Journalists from respective local departments attended the training and there were 25 attendees.
“It is required to accept the existence of Gender and LGBT. Conservative perceptions are needed to be ended and writing, talking or depicting which can harm someone in terms of human right and dignity. Promoting LGBT’s rights can be contributed in near future by writing and depicting the challenges of LGBT,” journalist, Ko Tin Lwin from Hinthar Media shared his thought.
During the three-day training secession, discussions and teachings on connection between human right and human dignity, group right, definition of LGBT, Sex and Gender, ideas upon Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE), seeing LGBT wrongly by people’s presumptions, having hatred on LGBT without any reason, discrimination and violation on LGBT, health problems related to LGBT, laws required to know by LGBT were made.