An LGBT advocate Shin Thant, transgender women, was invited to give a speech under the title of LGBT Rights at TEDx Yangon 2018.

TED Conferences LLC, a media organization that posts talks online for free distribution under the slogan ‘ideas worth spreading’, will host TEDx Yangon 2018 under the theme ‘Today’s future’ at Ballroom of the Strand Hotel from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on October 6.

“The talk will be posted on You Tube where the whole world will watch and therefore it will be effective to talk about LGBT. I am preparing to talk about LGBT issue from an unexpected standpoint. When candidates are invited to talk about their unique ideas, we have to tell our idea for three minutes to TEDx Yangon,’’ Shin Thant said.

She was among the finalists out of over 200 applications and suggestions for the talks after oral test on May 20. Shin Thant is an LGBT advocate who change the lifestyle as a transgender woman since 2012 and has won Second Winner Up (Working Lady) prize at Yupsandi Mandala Dewi Miss Competition in 2018.

TEDx Yangon 2017 was held under the theme ‘bridges’ at Bar Bondi from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on November 3, 2017.
