A three-day training on human right and LGBT right was held in Hlaingtharya township with the objective to make LGBTs harmonize with social community.
The training organized by Colors Rainbow was held at Myat Myintmo ballroom in Hlaingtharya township from 8th to 10th August.
“The main objective of this training is to make people understand about LGBT and SOGIE, to decrease discrimination and restrictions on SOGIE, to gain knowledge about violence and legal contents and to have better network in performing for LGBT’s rights,” said Ma Yu Myat Mon who led the discussion at the training.
27 trainees including not only LGBTs but also non-LGBTs attended this training.
“I got many benefits for attending this training. I was a naughty person in our place before and my family also wanted me to take out from family member. Now, I come to know that people will have willingness if I can stay suitable with society. Now, I don’t have desire to tease anymore. I know how to speak and treat among LGBTs and in my ward,” said Nyi Nyi Aung, a transgender who attended the training.
Trainees said that they gained knowledge about how LGBTs should behave in social community and have better understanding on their sexual orientation.
Source: www.colorsrainbow.com