Basic Education Workers Union Organizing Committee had suggested and demanded adding equal right to learn for LGBTs (those who have varied sexual interests) without any discrimination into Basic Education Law (Draft).
The organization had suggested and demanded in above way when a seminar related to Basic Education Law (Draft) of Basic and higher education coordination committee was held in Yangon University on 19th August.
“Concerning with LGBTs, we want no discrimination on gender, no discrimination on race and religious belief too. We demanded to get equal right for the girls who like to be boys and boys who like to be girls. I asked how we can ask for the right of our people only if the draft law will come into force,” U Min Min Htut, an organizing member of Basic Education Workers Union Organizing Committee said.
Basic Education Workers Union Organizing Committee had founded on 27th March 2017 and it is an organization which is trying to obtain rights for teachers, students and citizens.
“Opinion of our organization is to attain equal rights. We want no discrimination as someone is gay or tom-boy. Discrimination on them might happen in some situations. It is really happening too. It should not happen. We have rights in political standards and human rights standard. That’s why, these rights should be added to the law without fail. It is for their right. Every citizen should have full right. As they are also citizens, I demanded to add this to be consistent with international standards,” continued U Min Min Htut.
Section 4 (e) of this draft law contains provision “not to have any discrimination including discrimination against learners’ race, religious belief, standard, culture, being man, woman, being rich, poor, being disabled in learning.” Therefore, demandants were suggesting to add no discrimination against LGBTs.
“They are among in teachers too. Gender and sexuality are just the nature of genes. We are demanding even for disabled persons so I think it is also needed to give LGBTs equal rights,” said U Thura Soe, headmaster of Basic Education school, Labutta township.
Besides, in Section 11(a) of this law, the provision “Basic Education Council shall be formed by Union minister of Ministry of Education as president, representatives from relative ministries, social ministers from Regional or State Governments, Nay Pyi Taw councilors, members form autonomous regions or autonomous regional committee, scholars, representatives from social organizations and suitable persons as councilors and director-general from Directorate as secretary” is included. Therefore, suggestions and discussions to include representatives from teacher’s community and representatives from student’s community in this law were made.