On September 13th and 14th, LGBT Rights Network Quarterly Meeting was held at Taung Gyi Cherry Queen Hotel. The objective of the meeting was to exchange the latest information and progress among different LGBT groups in Myanmar.
During the meeting, the representatives from different states and regions interchanged the experiences, difficulties and challenges that they encountered within the last three months.
Min Chan, the network coordinator of LGBT Rights Network, also mentioned that the network meeting should be held once every three months to keep the objectives and future work plans updated.
“This meeting is facilitated by May Gan who is a focal person of Mandalay region LGBT rights network. Shan Taung LGBT Rights Network is delighted to host the third network meeting in Taung Gyi, Shan State. We are also pleased to have shown our unity. During the meeting, we have discussed the latest news, progress and work plans among different LGBT groups,” said Ko Moe, the President of Shan Taung Cherry Myay Mha Twal Lat Myar.
A total of 27 LGBT group representatives from the whole country attended the meeting.