An organizational development and management course was held for the first time by Colors Rainbow team at Mawlamyine town, Mon State.
“It is the very first time to give an organizational training in Mon State, yet the result of the training is astonishing. There were many organizations which had interest in attending the training and many people enrolled to attend the training. But some of the organizations had to be excluded as the exceeding number of trainees is restricted,” said Daw Aye Mon, a member of Colors Rainbow based at Dawei.
“I gained knowledge of how to write projects and what are needed when writing reports. And then, about gender. Older people mostly perform gender discrimination. If I see gender discriminations at school or at home, I will share and let people know it as much as I can,” Nadi Lwin, a trainee from Social Energetic Bloom (S.E.B) (Youth Development) said.
This course was held from 6th to 8th July at Nyein Foundation Hall, Mawlamyine and 27 trainees from 16 organizations attended the training.
The trainees who attended the course are representatives from respective local organizations for education, health, gender equality, social charities, child’s right and youths.