With the aim of raising awareness on human dignity and rights, Colors Rainbow hosted three days training on human rights and LGBT rights at Dana Thuka Dhammayon building, in Thaketa Township.
“This training concentrates in raising awareness on LGBT and SOGIE and reducing discriminations in regard of SOGIE as well as reducing violence against LGBT and raising awareness on legal affairs. Moreover, it also is intended to enhance networks for LGBT rights,’’ said U Aung Kyaw Thu, the trainer at the training.
The training took place from July 6 to 8 and received 28 attendances including LGBTs.
“At the training, I learned a lot about SOGIE which I did not know before. I believe more trainings can make community understand about LGBT deeper; then LGBT will be accepted by the society more,’’ said a transgender man Shain Htet Thu.
At three day trainings, the connection between human rights and human dignity, group rights, definitions of LGBT, sex and gender, SOGIE (sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression), false norms on LGBT, hatred and segregation against LGBT, health issues of LGBT, and laws which LGBTs should know were discussed.
Source: www.colorsrainbow.com